The advice on this website is meant to be information that you can use at your own discretion. Please call us if you still have questions or have any other concerns. View the full disclaimer. If you feed the squirrel, only give it pedialyte. Is it sick, disabled or injured? Is it a stunned adult?

Is It A Healthy Baby?
A raccoon’s real mom is the best mom. They do not care if the baby smells like people, and they always have backup nests. They will look for the babies for up to a week.
- Contain the Baby: Put the baby in a box or basket with a t-shirt or towel. Make sure that the baby cannot climb out.
- Keep the Baby Warm: Mom won’t take back a cold baby because she will think it is sick or dying. • Fill a water bottle with warm water, cover it with a sock and place it near the baby (propped so that it doesn’t roll onto the baby). Refill with warm water every few hours. • Place a hot wet washcloth in a ziploc bag and place it under a tshirt under the baby. Just make sure it’s not too hot or you can easily burn a baby.
- At Dusk, Put the Container Where the Baby was Found: Be sure that the baby is in a container tall enough that it cannot climb out, but shallow enough for the mom to get in. If you are worried about predators, you can tape a single sheet of newspaper over the box – the mom will tear through it.
- Leave the Immediate Area: Mom won’t approach her babies if there are people or animals around. Keep people away, make sure that the baby stays warm and leave it out all night.
- If Mom Doesn’t Show Up: it’s time to take action. Perhaps mom was killed, sick or there is something wrong with the baby that you just can’t see. Contact us at 904-779-5569.
Raccoon Facts
- Physical Features: The mask of black fur that covers its eyes is its most characteristic and familiar feature. One hypothesis for the dark fur is that it may help reduce glare and enhance the nocturnal animal’s night vision. The species has grayish brown fur and five to eight light and dark rings alternate on its tail. Because its hind legs are longer than the front legs, a raccoon often appears hunched when they walk or run. The five toes on a raccoon’s front paws are extremely dexterous, functioning essentially as five little fingers which allow it to grasp and manipulate food it finds in the wild as well as a variety of other objects, including doorknobs, jars, and latches. A raccoon’s most heightened sense is its sense of touch. It has very sensitive front paws and this sensitivity increases underwater. When able, a raccoon will examine objects in water.
- Diet: The raccoon is an omnivorous and opportunistic eater, with its diet determined heavily by its environment. Common foods include fruits, plants, nuts, berries, insects, rodents, frogs, eggs, and crayfish.
- Social Structure: The animal is nocturnal, mostly foraging and feeding at night. Though previously thought to be quite solitary, there is now evidence that the species congregates in gender-specific groups.
Additional Facts:
- In the winter, the raccoon does not hibernate, but can sleep in its den for weeks.
- A raccoon can run at speeds of up to 15 miles per hour.
- The raccoon is a good swimmer and can stay in water for several hours.
- The species makes a variety of vocalizations including hisses, whistles, screams, growls and snarls.
- A series of studies in the mid-to-late-twentieth century show that a raccoon can remember solutions to tasks for up to 3 years.