Found An Animal?

Here's What You Need To Know

We are a 100% Volunteer-run organization.

While we would love to be able to help every animal in need, we simply do not have the person-power or financial resources to do so.


- Please view our Tip Sheet before contacting us to see if you can help first.

- Email is the best way to reach us. Please complete a form on our Contact Us page

- We apologize, but due to volunteer schedules, we may not be instantly available.

- Do NOT try to bring an animal to our Center without making an appointment with a volunteer.

Our Center schedule varies and we don't want you to make the trip when there is no one there to assist you.

Thank you for your patience and support!

About The Wildlife Rescue Coalition
of Northeast Florida

Who We Are

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the care of injured, orphaned, and displaced wild animals that are native to Florida.

We take in over 2000 animals each year..


By The Numbers


Volunteer Hours per Baby Animal


Animals Helped Each Year


Dollars Per Baby Raccoon For Food

Donate Today and Help The Animals

They Need Us.
We Need You!
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No matter how few possessions you own or how little money you have, loving wildlife and nature will make you rich beyond measuure.

Paul Oxton

Donate Now

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