Current Board Of Directors

  • Lisa Rowell, President
  • Cynthia Douglas, Vice-President
  • Barbara Kahler, Treasurer
  • Barbara Tidwell
  • Sabrina Bourque
  • Dr. Kendra Jones
  • Bill Lewis
  • Brett Darrow
  • Stephen Hart
  • Beth Boyd
  • Catherine Wysoczanski

Join Our Board!

The Wildlife Rescue Coalition of Northeast Florida is a 501(C) 3 educating the public since 2003. Our mission is to rescue and rehabilitate orphaned, injured, and displaced native wildlife in Northeast Florida, while educating children and the public about the benefits of living in harmony with nature. We then return the animals to their natural habitats where they can thrive and continue the circle of life.


  • Potential board member expresses interest to the board president or a board member to join the board.
  • They are invited to our next board meeting as a guest to meet our board.
  • Potential board member is given a board packet with board history, expectations, goals, and application to return to the board president.
  • The application will be reviewed voted on by the board and the president will call the applicant with the decision.
As a prospective board member, you will be expected to:
  • Pay your dues ($25 –Jan.) and liability insurance ($100-Aug.) every year = $125
  • Provide a short biography for our website and FWC files
  • Attend all board meetings (The 3rd Thursday every other month – Jan, March, May, July, September, November)
  • Review the minutes from the last meeting when they are emailed to you approximately 1 week before each meeting and email your comments to the president
  • RSVP for each meeting by replying to the President’s email requesting you to do so
  • Complete your “Volunteer Hour Log” every month and email it to the president 2 weeks before each board meeting
  • Attend all fundraising events and participate in the planning and preparation for these events if possible
  • Use your social media to promote the mission and goals of the organization
  • Network with your friends and associates about the organization and its role in our community in an effort to gain new volunteers and support to carry on our mission
  • Download our Board Info Packet and Application, or complete the online application below!

Board Member Application

Board Member Application