Refer to our tip sheets to see if the animal needs to be taken into care, reunited with mom, or left alone. If care is needed, call us at 904-779-5569 and leave a message. One of our team members will get in touch ASAP. PLEASE NOTE: We’re all volunteers, so please be patient! Do not bring to our St. Augustine center without first speaking to a member of our team, as it is not staffed 24/7 and arrangements must be made. Do not feed the animal!
Contact Us
You can reach us by calling our hotline at:
904-779-5569. Please leave a message with information about the animal you have found and your location.
Our phone team checks messages every hour from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, seven days a week. We are a 100% volunteer organization, so please be patient! Someone WILL get back to you as soon as possible.
You can also email us at
We Need Volunteers!
If you have some free time and can help at our center, or to transport or foster animals, simply fill our our Volunteer Application
and we'll get back to you quickly!
About The Wildlife Rescue Coalition
of Northeast Florida

By The Numbers

Volunteer Hours per Baby Animal

Animals Helped Each Year

Dollars Per Baby Raccoon For Food

Our Sponsors & Supporters